XD Strategy 001: Experience Design Origins

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The Experience Design Strategy Podcast is a show for people interested in creating great products and experiences. Topics will include experience design, user experience research, digital strategy, social media listening, and more.

In this first episode of the Experience Design Strategy Podcast, Erling Amundson provides a brief history of the origins of experience design XD. He described a concept called The Whole Show which is described in earlier blog posts http://amundson.me/the-whole-show/ and http://amundson.me/measuring-the-whole-show/

From the perspective of an interaction designer, Erling identifies some key books that captured turning points in the evolution of experience design as it moved from making things easier to use toward delivering complete experiences.

Books noted include:

  • The Psychology (Design) of Everyday Things by Don Norman  1988
  • Computers as Theater by Brenda Laurel  1991
  • Bringing Design to Software by Terry Winograd  1996
  • Information Ecologies by Bonnie Nardi and Vicki O’Day  1999
  • The Experience Economy by Joe Pine and James Gilmore 1999
  • Emotional Design by Don Norman  2004
  • Chief Customer Officer by Jeanne Bliss  2006
  • This is Service Design Thinking by Marc Stickdorn and Jakob Schneider 2011
  • Orchestrating Experiences by Chris Risen and Patrick QuattleBaum  2018

Erling also shared that he contributed to the development of experience design. For example, he  led a workshop on Strategic Design at the Usability Professionals Association conference in 2000.

More episodes are being recorded and will be posted soon. If you have questions or would like to suggest a show topic, please leave a comment.